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Stabbing Back Pain

Along with his headaches, back pain or back pain is a condition that causes discomfort experienced by people, mostly adults. Back pain can be mild to severe, depending on the cause. There are many causes of back pain. Here we see more about the causes stabbing pain in the back.

Backup causes stabbing pain
throbbing pain in the back is a serious disease, which is due to a serious illness. The following are the major causes of back pain stabbing.

Injuries are one of the most common causes of severe back pain. Injury may be caused by accidents, illegal acts, sports injuries, etc. Any damage to the spinal cord or muscles, ligaments result of back pain. Rotator cuff injury causes stabbing pain upper back. muscle spasms, for example, sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles of the back, is one of the leading causes of back pain.

Herniated Disc
Herniated disk is a painful split in the disc between two vertebrae. This may be due to a variety of reasons such as aging, injury, obesity, etc. trapped sciatic nerve and the two conditions are difficult due to herniated disc, which can cause back pain cramp.

Peptic Ulcers
peptic ulcer is a collective name for stomach and duodenal ulcer occurs when the inner lining of the inflamed area. regularly eat spicy foods, smoking, alcoholism, stress, etc. are risk factors for ulcer. Stabbing back pain after eating is a symptom of peptic ulcer.

Kidney Stone
Kidney stones occur when excess uric acid and calcium in the body is not washed. They are stored in turn resulting from kidney stones. This is one of the most painful conditions of human beings. Painful urination, abdominal pain, back pain are symptoms of this condition form.

gall bladder disease is a condition that is related to food and occurs mostly from eating food. Jaundice, constipation, nausea, vomiting, headaches, back stabbing between the shoulder blades are the most common symptoms thereof. gallstone disease is one of the most common gallbladder.

Back stabbing pain treatment
If a person feels a sharp pain in his back, which persists for more than a few hours, he / she should consult a doctor immediately. The doctor may use X-rays, MRI or CT scan to diagnose the ground state before treatment. Lesions can be treated with medication, physical therapy (in mild cases) or surgery (in severe cases). Muscle spasms can be treated with physical therapy and specific exercises back. Similarly, the herniated disc can be treated with pain medication, physical therapy and bed rest. testing of H. pylori testing and endoscopy for the diagnosis of peptic ulcer. This condition can be treated with medications such as proton pump inhibitors and anti-H2. Treatment of kidney stones depends on the size of stone. Small stones can be treated with medication, while surgery is needed to get rid of kidney stones and back pain further. gallbladder disease can also be treated with medication and / or surgery.

Learn more about:
Severe back pain
Sever pain Back Back
Sharp Back Pain
He was briefed about the causes and treatment methods stabbing back pain. As a note of conclusion, it should be noted that all the above conditions can be treated if timely treatment is performed. Beware!


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