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Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain is the highest stage of back pain when talking about the severity and duration. A simple back spasm may disappear after a week or two, but chronic back pain lasts for about two months, and the cause. For your information, not all back pain is the result of spinal problems and back spasms easily. Some of these symptoms are the result of a more serious underlying.

Symptoms of chronic back pain, lumbar strain is probably the one that occurs most often. Commonly called "back pain, lumbar sprain is actually a result of injury to muscles returning minor engage in strenuous activities such as sports or construction. If a lumbar sprain can usually be , relieved by rest, most sufferers have trouble sitting and standing for hours.

Another symptom of chronic back pain is spinal stenosis. It is quite common and more severe than the stock may cause back pain is not confined to the back, but those that propagate down the flanks, and legs. It can also cause loss of bladder and bowel control. Spinal stenosis is actually compressing the spinal canal, resulting in shrinkage of the spinal nerves as well. Although spinal stenosis can be a marker for other accompanying disorders of the spine, such as osteoporosis, there is normally a condition that occurs with age.

Again, not all back pain is the result of persistent back problems easily. There are cases where the region's chronic back pain occurs due to a condition in an organ located near the lower back as an appendix, kidney and bladder. That is what we call pain. referred pain does not usually come and just disappear by itself. However, it is something that should not take for granted that pain can be caused by a more serious condition like a urinary tract infection or appendicitis.

Second to the common cold, chronic back pain is the most common cause for visits to doctors by people who daily engage in demanding physical activities. In addition to the excessive use of back muscles, other risk factors for chronic back pain are obesity, lack of exercise, lack of adequate sleep due to a poor mattress and smoking and alcohol abuse.

Although back pain is not common life-threatening, chronic back pain is something that should be more secure as they can lead to a more severe spinal cord when not treated.


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