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muscle spasm refers to sudden and involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscle group. A sudden increase in muscle power may also cause, muscle spasms. It is actually the body's natural mechanism to protect the free movement of muscles already hurt by restricting other movements. Although every muscle in your body is subjected to spasms, the main areas of the body that occur are usually painful neck and back spasms. During the spasm, you feel a sudden tightness or stiffness in the affected area. Muscle spasms often resolve quickly, usually within minutes, but they are very painful. Let's take a look at the causes and how to stop muscle spasms in his back.

What causes muscle spasms in the back

In general, muscle spasms may be due to various reasons, each of which is related to the predisposing factors. muscle spasms in the back is caused by inflammation and muscle pain due to sudden movements or bending sharply. In fact, any body movement that is not in a correct angle can cause muscle pain in the back. Here is a list of possible causes muscle spasms in the back:
A common cause of muscle spasms in the back muscles too much force while performing household chores or exercise.
To lift heavy objects may excite the back muscles, which are not ready for circulation, leading to muscle spasms in his back.
Poor posture in standing, sitting or sleeping can also cause, painful muscle spasms in the back.
Lack of lubrication or packing muscle is also a possible cause of muscle spasms in his back.
Deficiency in minerals, especially calcium and potassium as low electrolyte level in the body, which in turn causes muscle spasms in his back.
At times, muscle spasms in the back can be given one more reason the administration of drugs and / or side effects of powerful drugs.
For women, the back muscle spasm occurs most frequently during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
In addition to the above cases, muscle spasms in the back can be an indication of health conditions such as underlying muscle fatigue, nervous system damage, spinal cord injuries, physical trauma and multiple plates. Even if only one muscle is affected by a sudden movement, adjacent muscles are altered, causing severe back pain.

How to stop muscle spasms in the back

muscle spasms in the back is pretty annoying and uncomfortable. The severe muscle pain in the back, it feels very painful to carry out normal activities, even from day to day. Millions of people around the world, see a doctor for back muscle spasms, particularly at the bottom. Regarding the treatment of muscle spasms in the back, the counter pain relievers can be taken to combat the symptoms of pain. However, there are some effective analgesic that can be done to stop the muscle spasms in his back.

Get the Rest: Rest is best suitable effective method to accelerate healing of injured and sore muscles. Off, the affected muscles are immobilized, which helps prevent stressing the muscles hurt. This allows the affected muscles to recover effectively.

Stretching: Stretching Exercises for the back muscles have been shown to break the tense muscles. Performing exercises that involve stretching tight muscles will help stop muscle spasms in his back.

Packaging and Heat: Another way to temporarily stop the muscle spasms in the back is by applying ice packs and heat affected zone even more. In this regard, we numb the pain back.

In case of severe muscle spasms in the back, it is always advisable to consult and seek advice from a qualified physician. Some people prefer to pursue alternative treatment methods such as massage therapy, aromatherapy and acupressure to fight against the symptoms of painful muscle spasms in the back.


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