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Back Pain Caused By Allergies

Pain can occur in any part of the body and back pain is quite normal. However, after leaving the sore back after a meal is certainly not something that is experienced by many. There is a small percentage of people who suffer. Usually, the pain disappears after a few minutes left rear. But if it is recurrent and started to scare you eat, this is a serious concern. There are many factors that can cause back pain left after lunch. Among the most important are discussed here.

Causes of left back pain after eating

IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome is a common gastrointestinal disorder in which food passes through the digestive tract is very fast or very slow. This causes a lot of abdominal pain, such as bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, cramps and back pain left after lunch.

milk intolerance: a milk sugar called lactose. Inability to metabolize lactose in milk is known as lactose intolerance or more specifically. This happens because of the absence of lactase, an enzyme needed to digest lactose. Non-availability of adequate amounts of lactase in the body also lead to the same condition. Lactose intolerance can cause abdominal pain left lower back, after consuming dairy products. More information about the symptoms of lactose intolerance.

Intestinal obstruction: Mechanical and functional intestinal lock that prevent or impede digestion products, in all its forms, such as gas, liquid and solid. Obstruction can occur in any part of the intestine, such as duodenum, colon, etc. It is considered a medical emergency. Sometimes surgery is needed to correct the situation. bowel obstruction resulting in a slight sting left behind, after food.

Diverticulitis: a condition called diverticular disease involving the formation of pouches on the outside of the colon. These hoses are known as diverticula. Inflammation of one of these diverticula is known as diverticulitis. This causes pain in the lower abdomen and sometimes on the left side of the back. Pain student meals. Thus, diverticulitis is one of those cases which may give rise to lower abdominal pain after eating.

Celiac disease: Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease affecting the small intestine. It occurs in people who carry the gene responsible for the origin of this disorder. It occurs in people of all ages. In celiac disease, a modified reaction occurs in a protein called gliadin, found in wheat and other cereals more. Gliadin is required by transglutaminase, and is translated into a protein that triggers the immune system to cause inflammation. This is why strong cause upper and lower left back pain after eating.

Acid reflux: state of the liquid contents from the stomach back into the stomach is called acid reflux disease or GERD. This can lead to esophageal mucosal damage or inflammation. It causes mainly heartburn, but depending on its severity, it can also cause abdominal pain or left back after lunch.

Home remedies for back pain left after eating
Eat a banana a day. It has a protective effect on acidity.
Take ginger tea or other food. It improves digestion of food.
Drink plenty of water. It eliminates toxins, reduce bloating.
Clove gum or eat a small piece of jaggery after meals. It relieves gas problems.
Walk for at least 30 minutes every day. It helps greatly in maintaining the general welfare of the body.
See also:
stomach pain after eating
swollen belly after eating
List of causes of back pain left after a meal given here include all the most common reasons, but is not complete. There may be many other reasons. A physiologist is the right person to tell you the exact cause of pain in left back or abdomen. He leads, in general, various diagnostic tests including ultrasound, X-rays and blood tests to enter a plea. Therefore, in addition to trying home remedies, you should consult a health professional specializing in physiology, evaluation and treatment of back pain left after a meal.


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