Get Lasting Relief From Back Pain In Just 7 Seconds

Sore Back Lose Sleep

When 39 years, Steve Johnson stretched out to receive stolen bass playing tennis, he suddenly collapsed on the ground and had to be done. He later said, "The pain was excruciating." He discovered he had hurt his back.

Like Steve, almost everyone encounters a problem back to one time or another in their lives. It could be due to a herniated disk cable or a ligament or muscle tension. Incident just that people think he was responsible for the back injury is not generally true cause of the problem. Back strains are usually due to cumulative effects that occur over time, with an event seems to be the last straw.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to prevent the development of back pain:

Lift properly: proper lifting technique involves saving the back and legs to help. When lifting an object from the floor, first bend your knees, squeezing your abdomen muscles, squat and pick up objects, and then maintaining the object you are lifting close to your body and back straight. Never lift anything from bending over. Also, while lifting, do not twist your body.

Sit properly: Use chairs that have little support or back-back straight. When seated, knees should be slightly higher than hips. You can use a chair to put your feet on the seat or adjust, to get there. While turning, move your whole body instead of turning at the waist. While driving, move the seat forward and sit straight. This will prevent you from leaning forward to gain access to commands. You can also use a rolled towel or small pillow at your lower back if you sit or drive for a period of time.

Stand correctly: If you need to sit for long periods of time, you can relieve lower back pressure by pressing a foot on a small chair, foot switch every 5-15 minutes. While standing, make sure to keep your ears, shoulders and hips aligned in a straight line, keep pulling the head and abdomen.

Sleep well: Sleeping on your side, knees bent, is the best position to sleep in. You can support the neck by placing a pillow under her head. You can also place a pillow between your knees. Where you used to sleep on your back, place a small pillow under the pillows in the lower back and knees. It is advisable not to sleep on your stomach, or if not, then you should place a pillow under your hips. He slept on the mattress should be firm. Place a ½ inch thick plywood under the mattress to provide support for the mattress is soft.

Back Exercise: There are some exercises that can strengthen the back. For example, one of them is to gently stretch the back muscles. Lie on your back with knees bent. Then, putting your hands in the lower back for support, slowly lift your right knee to your chest and hold for about 5 seconds. Then lower leg in position, relax for a few seconds, then repeat with left leg. Do 10 repetitions on each leg.

In addition to exercises that are specific for the rear, is also important to be active in other ways. Walking and swimming are excellent exercise to improve overall fitness, which helps prevent the development of a sore back.


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