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Back Pain And Sleep Position

Sleep is an essential function of our daily life. Most people do not take into account the effects it can have on the health and stability of the upper back and neck. If you're in a bad position, they could cause trauma or injury to the upper back.

Of the three positions that you can use sleep at night (back, side, stomach) sleeping on the stomach is desirable for several reasons. When you sleep on your stomach, turning his head, either right or left to breathe. Most of us sleep for a period of 4:00 a.m. to 10:00 each night. This means that for 40-10 hours a night, the head is turned sideways to allow the muscles on one side of the neck muscles and shortening the opposite side to be elongated.

By shortening the length of one side of the neck and extension of muscles on the opposite side of the neck muscle tension creates disproportionate (DMT). When DMT kicks, he began to develop pain in the neck and upper back. DMT is not only causing pain, limiting the ability of joints to their normal work.

Another reason to sleep on your stomach is not recommended because it causes your shoulders before you fall into a situation before tilting. Basically what this means is that derived shoulders forward due to gravity causing the pectoral or chest muscles to tighten causing the tip then slides before. Pecs muscle length change usually causes a vicious cycle of pain in the neck, shoulders and upper back.

The final reason that stomach sleeping is not encouraged because if you do not sleep with hands at your side, you usually arms overhead. This position may exert pressure over the median and ulnar nerves in both hands to create a scenario in which the hands of sleep, or numbness. This can cause many problems in the future.

Alternatively, the preferred sleeping position is on the back. Muscles and joints tend to assume their neutral position, while lying on her back. Make sure you have a semi-firm pillow that maintains the natural curvature of the spine, in essence, what we call neck and upper back. Doing so will promote stability and balance of the spine and surrounding muscle tissue.


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