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Back Pain And Poor Posture

Question: I have no back pain, but when I look at my car on my back and shoulders rounded look, it's just bad posture?

A: Well, Sue let me help you understand what you see ... Everyone uses the very common term posture but do not think people really understand what it really posture, see your self as you are today, but your posture is the result of the way it was before, I'm talking years or decades ago.

What this means, good or bad a position is the result of your lifestyle in other words, I want to ask how is your posture is the result of your habits, pattern, Post and do things in your life, day and Day Out.

You will see that our bodies are very good at adapting to the environment puts us in and if we look back at our lives, the first 18 years I stay in school and if you go to collage wait a little longer, and if you work at a computer , hold even more so when your body 40 is so used to stand and muscles are more comfortable sitting, but this session has caused some physical changes that may in turn lead to dysfunction and postural if left alone due to internal structural changes are largely impossible to correct, so lets begin ...

One of our customers very well said, "Our bones are moving only where our muscles put" This is a great statement, and I hope you understand ... if not keep reading.

I just talked about how our body adapts to what you do and how our body can be pulled into an unnatural position, based on several factors in our lives ... I know what you think you only get to the part about what to do ... Hold on there, a little more than you can see the understanding of this concept is more than half the battle, because you can now work to prevent and correct problems in your posture, if you understand the equation.

Ok ... I'll pour beans Now, back rounded and rounded shoulders are the result of so-called muscle imbalances that cause physical dysfunction that you see in your posture, your region is not alone with this problem and are the first that I have been years days know what is and what it does and even if your doctor does not tell you how to approach this does not mean that it can be done.

Here are the nuts and bolts of the problem, if you're wondering how our muscles are responsible for the position you now need to understand that our muscles are tight or flexible and / or as strong or weak, and not the more complex situation, but our muscles can be any combination of these four states from front to back and side.

If you look back and rounded shoulders rounded, you'll see that your head and shoulders are pulled forward, indicating that muscle at the front of your body are too large and / or too tight against the upper back muscles, which are weak and have greater flexibility. That's how we describe the imbalance between the muscles and that is what we call the root of the problem ...

Please understand that your body is and has been subject to these physical changes over a long period of time and there is no quick solution is a physical problem will require a physical solution, n "There is no pill, injection or massage muscle that can back into balance, it takes work ...

Now, just because you know there is an imbalance and you know right direction imbalances does not mean that you can just start doing an exercise program, in general, this is not how you do it to correct an imbalance in knowledge must expand know very specific and targeted exercises to correct imbalances and if you choose to do nothing imbalances over time to begin the process of developing a condition that can cause pain.

We strongly recommend that you begin a proactive approach to your current situation, you're lucky, had no pain, it is a shame and pain I feel with all my heart that millions of people suffering from conditions that could have prevented or corrected years ago effects only if people still understand muscle imbalances and how they affect our body.

Sue I hope I have shown that more than poor posture, and I hope that you are looking for a qualified expert in muscle imbalances and live to prevent further progression of your condition.


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