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Treatment For Patients With Back Pain

Conventional methods of treatment for patients with back pain is an expense of overall health. Some conventional approaches focus only on symptoms rather than a major source of pain. Once the source of back pain is corrected, the patient may feel relief long term. Types of treatment methods are most commonly used.

Sometimes bed rest is prescribed for patients with back pain. The fall of this method of treatment is that patients are more likely to develop depression and other negative experiences.

Another common method of treatment for back pain is physical therapy. Some exercises can improve overall function and strength of the spine, but does not relate to the main cause of back pain of a patient.

oral and injectable pain medication will work normally, the temporary reduction of inflammation and pain muscle spasms. This method of treatment can reduce symptoms, but rarely address the root cause of pain.

A method for treating established over 2,500 years is called acupuncture. It is a form of treatment where needles are inserted into different body parts such as ankles, knees or fingers for the treatment of back pain.

A method of treatment aimed at correcting the main source of back pain is surgery. Some patients reported significant improvements in pain after surgery, but the risks that this last option for many.

A technique commonly used is called traction. traction can be performed manually by a therapist, using their weight to change both the strength and direction of fire. automatic traction control is when the patient traction forces by grasping and pulling the end of the traction table. There are other forms of traction available, such as bed rest traction under water and gravitational pull.

A relatively new method of treatment for chronic low back pain relief is called non-surgical spinal decompression. A highly recognized device called the DRX9000 True Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System is designed to relieve pain from compression injuries of the spine and degenerative diseases. The application of spinal decompressive forces to these injuries, patients have found relief from their back pain problems.

Although back pain is a common and debilitating, patients today have more treatment options than ever.


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