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Back Pain And Pregnancy

For many women, back pain and pregnancy go hand in hand and without surprise, there are many physical reasons why it occurs. This article will examine some of them.

1. Hormones

During pregnancy, hormones soften ligaments can cause the joints move more than usual and, in some cases, the ligaments are stretched or strained.

2. Uterus

The growth of the fetus in the womb can cause postural changes that cause back pain. How were developed throughout the country, pressure is put on the spine and vertebrae.

3. Fetal position

Especially in the later stages of development, position of the fetus can compress the nerves in the spine, causing back pain.

Once you've established physical reasons is because of back pain, there are steps you can take to reduce pain and in some cases, eliminate the problem. The most important thing to remember is that the body changes during pregnancy and some simple strategies can go a long way to keep these changes in control. The most important factor for pregnancy back pain and posture. Slouching should be avoided at any time and in a seated position, a pillow or rolled towel can be used to cushion the lower back. This is true for rigid and sun loungers. Other strategies to maintain a correct position now includes shoulders back, chin up, head centered over the shoulders and abdominal muscles help to maintain a flat, not arched back. Knees slightly bent and avoiding the uncomfortable shoes like high heels are also useful.

A simple strategy to avoid sudden back pain after the session, after an extended period is to go first, then use your arm to grow upright. As mentioned above, the abdominal muscles are important to prevent curvature of the back, and how best to strengthen them is through exercise. Qualified doctor or midwife will be able to provide specially designed exercises for pregnant women. Walking 20-30 minutes a day can also be very useful.

Growing need as pregnancy progresses, the rest is also important. When sleeping, lying on its side is best with a pillow between your knees. An extra pillow stomach increasingly also takes a lot of pressure on the spine. Most women feel uncomfortable stages of pregnancy can be attributed to back pain, so be careful to avoid is important. proper lifting techniques must be performed, regardless of heavy objects, it must be bent legs at the knees and back straight at all times. In no time, if you bend over with straight legs. If another child, pick up your child must be treated with care.

Finally, domestic work should be kept to a minimum, especially vacuuming. An extension may be necessary to prevent the return of curves and good advice is to put the clothes hanging basket on a table or chair, so the need to bend constant is suppressed. When carrying shopping bags, pregnancy should be balanced, ie a light bag in each hand. For this, assistance should be sought. As you can see, there are a number of factors that contribute to back pain and pregnancy. By paying close attention to your physiology and keeping your back straight at all times, much of the pain can be avoided or mitigated first.


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