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Pain In Stomach And Back

stomach pain and back pain are common conditions individually observed in humans. This may be due to a variety of reasons. However, back pain and abdominal pain together is a unique condition, which is due to specific reasons. Here we see several methods of stomach pain and back causes and treatment. Take a look in detail.

Causes of pain in the abdomen and back

Stomach and back pain and may be a dull ache and pain that lasts a long time or severe pain that occurs suddenly and strongly. The following are the main causes of back pain and stomach.

Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix that appears to do so for reasons unknown. It is more commonly seen in adolescents and young adults. Acute pain in the right side of stomach, back pain that comes and goes are symptoms of this condition.

Kidney Stone
Kidney is one of the most important causes of lower back and stomach pain in people. It is because of the amount of uric acid or calcium in the body increases. severe abdominal and back pain, difficulty urinating, etc. are symptoms of this condition.

Cholecystitis is a disorder caused when the gallbladder is inflamed. This condition can occur because of gallstones, trauma injury, cholecystitis, etc. symptoms include stomach pain and back pain, chills, nausea and vomiting.

Acid Reflux Disease
You have stomach pain after eating? Acid reflux of stomach acid seeps back into the esophagus back. Stomach and back pain after eating may be due to acid reflux disease. This is not a serious condition and can be caused by spicy foods, sleep immediately after eating, smoking, etc.

burning pain in stomach and back can be a symptom of peptic ulcer or stomach. Ulcers develop when the stomach lining is eroded due to a number of reasons. burning pain in the stomach, especially after eating, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting blood, blood in stool, etc. are also symptoms of this condition.

Stomach and back pain during pregnancy can be a symptom of minor and serious condition. This may be due to constipation, stomach upset, or because of severe conditions such as ectopic pregnancy. stomach pain during pregnancy, when the experiment must be consulted with your doctor immediately.

Treatment for stomach and back pain

If one experiences pain in the back and stomach that lasts a long time or comes and goes, should not ignore it, but look for immediate medical treatment. At an early stage, most cases can be treated with medications. Some cases, severe stages, such as kidney stones, appendicitis or an ectopic pregnancy may require surgery. Acid reflux disease and ulcers can be treated with medications such as antacids and inhibitors of PP. During pregnancy, your doctor will advise you in complete rest, avoid strenuous physical activity and healthy eating to prevent pain in the abdomen and back. When we talk about prevention, almost all the cases mentioned above can be avoided. Acid reflux, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, etc. can be avoided by a balanced and nutritious diet. You need a sufficient amount of water and avoid taking supplements to prevent kidney stones.

Some of the causes and methods of treatment of stomach and back pain. In all cases can be treated by methods related to treatment, it is only wise to consult your doctor and get diagnosed condition immediately. Beware!


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